Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This year is over

another year is gone and I feel as if my life is slowly slipping away, I keep turning my wheels but I feel as if nothing is changing except time as it slowly slips thru my fingers, I am starting to feel old even as I hang on to my perpetual immaturity, I feel the disconnect to this new world slowly growing as old age creeps in. I cant connect to today's technology or to be honest I don't want to connect, I hate text messaging, face book, my space and online billing of any type , detest automated phone one for this press 2 for this ...I hate that not only does it create unemployment but it pisses people off specially me.

but in general I feel my tolerance for others is slowly fading as I get older, I guess I am becoming a cranky old man

slowly but surely becoming like my parents and their parents ages ago.. destined to repeat the cycle that has been lived in this earth for millions of years

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The dolphins

It all started innocently enough a young man a winning footbal team it was love at
first sight.

oohhh those where the good old days.

when like a fool I let Shula and Marino steal my heart away. and thus a life long

love affair was started. At first it was like heaven.

Touchdown to the left touchdown to the right playoffs every year we were an elite


WE were contenders (to quote Jimmy we had a shot) the future was bright, we were on our way. But every year
some how some way they managed to crush my heart and my soul.

Every year in a new an more painfull manner the dolphins would leave me at the altar

ready to celebrate that elusive superbowl.

This went on for years and little by little the heroes who made me fall in love with

the team were replaced by unknows full of ineptitude.

And so, long gonne were the shulas and the Marinos to be replaced by the fiedlers


the Jimmy johnsons of the world.

and thus this once great love affair was becoming a death sentence

a painful yearly ritual to be repeated faithfully and at the end of each year the thouhgt, that this is my last year I cant do this any more

I love you miami but this is not gonna work out.

I need something better

but every year right around august I could not help my self

and once again like that jilted lover I find my self running towards that altar

hoping praying that this time my ship will come in...

i know it doesnt look good.

i know its difficult

but to a love struck fool it all seems Possible.


When I was a child I felt as If I knew everything.

NOw that I am an adult I know, I know nothing.

yet I know more now than I did then

but I am not so sure of my self.

so I wonder what is best?

the blisfull ignorance of youth or the full knowledge that you are ignorant as an


The Damm


hello dear friend:

how are you today,

I hope you will forgive me for my attitude lately,

is just that I was tired lost and confused and I needed some time to gather my thoughts.

I pretty much just wanted to leave it all behind.

I needed some space.

I needed some time to clear my mind think and recharge my batteries.

I dont know if you can understand it, but i just needed to be alone for a little bit.

there is so much clutter in my life and so many voices that for once, I just wanted to hear my own voice.

I wanted to make sure that my ideas are my own and not just those put there by other people.

I wanted to hear my own drum beat, my own voice, and see what comes naturally,

but after I closed the world out, there was

nothing just silence.

I had no inner voice no thoughts, no aspirations just a defening numbing silence. it seemed that I was out of ideas, wishes and desires.

I was an empty vessel. with no where to go no one to see.

wanting nothing needing everything.

so I just numbed my self the best I could.

and I hoped I would feel nothing.

eventually I felt nothing just tiredness just a mind numbing sleep that slowly but surely became my obsesion.

just sleep,

I would wake up, and look forward to going back to sleep.

it was my only desire, my sanctuary.

and so I rested for days, until I could sleep no more.

I rested until I felt numb.

I rested until my mind felt fertile again.

I cant quite explain it, the best I can come up with is that the mind is like a river and sometimes it gets stuck, somehow you build a damm in your mind where
all these dark thoughts and insecurities just pile up, and eventually they need to be released somehow or youl drown in your own crap.
and so with the damm in my head finally broken I feel as if I have released all these toxins that were poisoning my mind.

the water is clear again and thus there is hope in the air.

I know it sounds crazy

but its the best I can explain it.

I wil talk to you later.

Friday, April 18, 2008


I believe that your biggest problem is that the gap between the rich and the poor keeps getting bigger, and most people cant see the diffrence between one rich guy or another or in this case a rich woman.
It's just the same old crap, a goverment of the rich for the rich. Candidates who care more about their political future than the future of the people who elected them.
We need a candidate who is not a puppet of special intrest, some one who does the right thing, because it is the right thing to do, regardles of the political consequences.
Big business has to much influence in washington and the middle class keeps getting the short end of the stick, because most polliticians are willing to sell their souls to maintain their positon and power.
Corruption and or ineptitud seem to be the order of the day in washington, and Since Hilary has been in washington for such a long time its hard for some people to her as an agent of change.

The only chance you have to win is to show that you really mean change,a political revolution, to fight against special intrest like the sugar industry, and many other big business that get goverment funds when there is people starving in our streets.
You may not win this election but you wil truly show that you are willing to sacrifice it all for the benifit of the people.
In the long term gaining true political credibility with the unsatisfied masses who will only keep getting louder in their search for true change.

You may win you may loose but you will have done the right thing, and in the process distance your self from the talking heads of american politics, and you may become something we havent had in along time (in my opinion since RFK) a true lider a person of vision and hope.

History and providence will be the judge
of all our actions, how will you be remembered?

Thursday, February 7, 2008


bueno que decir si vos sabes que me tienes loco
me matas con cada mirada
my vida pendiente en cada mirada
cada palabra
pero que te puedo decir
si tu lo sabes todo

Strange but true

I am currently looking for work, and as I attempt to land with a good company, I cant help but notice the inequalities in pay between some profesions.
For instance an armed security guard is making $10 an hour but a barista.(overhyped coffee maker can make up to $15)

It just makes me wonder were our priorities are:

If your Barista has a bad day well you get bad coffee, but if your armed security guard has a bad day you get dead.
I would think that people would want more qualified people to carry weapons,or at least be more concerned with the mental and social well beign of those who carry weapons.
I would think you want to make the guy with the gun as happy as possible?
Or why would you temp fate and have a guy on the poverty line just strugling to get by bearly making it.
Just think about it if you made $10 an hour could you survive, can you live a happy
healthy life?
His dating life allready hampered by the fact that he is a security guard is probably not helped by the low income. So now what you have is an underpaid, undersexed, lonely guy with a loaded gun and a badge (granted fake plastic badge) or what I call a recepie for disaster.

But we dont care ...
I guess we just keep playing russian roulette until one day we push to far and our under paid overstressed security guard puts a cap in our ass.
Than I bet you wished we had payed the lonely guard a little more.

In the mean time why dont you just have some coffee and relax..
In a world that is getting stranger by the day..

Mario Betancourt

Friday, January 4, 2008

movie previews


1. I saw some movie previews today the ones that caught my attention were.

Speed racer yeah it looks cheesy but I must admit that I am interested, specially if they focus on his brother racer x, the guy from Alpha dog is Speed and John goodman is his father,,, I could not see who else is in it but I probably will go see this. Speed racer was my favorite cartoon when I was a kid.

Indiana Jones 4
Need I say more,,any movie with harrison ford, Steven spielberg and George Lucas is gotta be good.
Batman dark Knight ...
Should be a great sequel.

Drillbit taylor...starring owen wilson most movies with this guy are great, I hope he can get his life together.
But on screen his easy going manner makes things always interesting in this one he is working with the creators of superbad ...this movie should be good.
in it hes a body guard/conartist/ bum helping some kids and him self..looks very funny.

sex in the city...chick flick having said that however let me say that the writting on some of the tv shows was brilliant. If they can capture what made the tv show so good in the movie they will have a great film. Unfortunatley it is very difficult to tranfer characters from the tv scireen into film.

Get Smart ..this was a great show from the mind of mel brooks,,the movie is supposed to start steve correll the guy from the office,
max well smart is a great character I hope they can come up with a great plot.
I will probably see this I hope it lives up to the hype.

Iron man ..robert downey is a great actor lets see what he can do with this less than stellar material...the previews however look great the guy is kidnnaped by terrorist and he ...well you got to see the preview.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Obama wins

Obama wins Iowa caucuses

So what does this mean ..
is he a candidate for change is he the man for the future

Or is he just another suit another face of the same old political monster we see year after year?
Obama beat Hillary what does that mean is he a better candidate for America or did he spend more money than her?

I honestly don't know.
I am not sure what Obama is all about I know he is a black man running for president, that by it's self is a major change. a positive change.

Is he a puppet of corporate funding or is he truly a man of change...
who is paying for this campaign (i know Oprah is a major contributor..I personally rather have Oprah as a contributor than Exxon least we know what Oprah stands for...

Well for what is worth, what Obama has won, is the opportunity for millions of people like me to actually become a little bit interested.
At least interested into finding out what he is all about.

I hope we will find a real man who is willing to do the right things regardless of consequences, I hope he is truly a man of integrity and not just another clown in the circus that American politics has become.

As for Hilary well I think she must realize that we want change and you cant have change when the people think that you are in the pocket of corporate America
Is she the head of a political machine that wants change for America or is she just the tail of a political monster that sold its soul to the devil many, many decades ago.

interesting note :

John Edwards said some interesting things and he could develop into a real contender,
He seemed like he is a deeper candidate than before and his speech on Thursday night was the best of the three.
He focused on the economy and the need to keep companies here, take tax brakes away from companies that send jobs away.
He also focused on the fact that millions of Americans have no health insurance and the personal tragedy these people face each day.

Edwards seems to be the best speaker of the democrats
He is a charismatic guy ,and of all the candidates he seems to be a perfect fit for TV.
Lets not Kidd our selves millions of people vote on looks and soundbites more than issues.

The race is just started but I think we will see many surprises before it's all set and Donne.


voter bill of rights

It seems that Americans want change.

We want people to have enough to eat.

We want the opportunity to work for a living and earn a decent wage.

We want a nation that is not lead by greed but led by integrity and our responsibility to the future.

We want a leader that has actually read the constitution of the United States and the Bill of rights and actually believes in what they stand for.

And last but not least we want a leader that will do the right thing regardless of the political consequences.

We want less corporate interference in government and more government for the people by the people.

We want change

We want justice and we want equality for all.

The government should not be a tool of the few (the rich)to control the many(the poor)