Thursday, January 29, 2009


sometimes the best is to let the words just flow, to not think and let words come out of your soul and see if you can make some sense of them.

Love is a double edge sword that I dont seem to know how to handle I either love to much or not at all, or sometimes I managed to just fall in love with the wrong person. it seems to me that I find the whole concep incomprhensible.

there is a new president and a new erea of hope in the air, but i feel that the president should be judged not on just on the fact that he is recently elected but on his actions.

judge the man not on the color of his skin but on the reason or reasons behind his actions

hoy parece como si fuera un viernes, la semana a sido tan larga y aburrida

me siento cansasado y triste un poco desanimado con la gente que me rodea