Friday, April 18, 2008


I believe that your biggest problem is that the gap between the rich and the poor keeps getting bigger, and most people cant see the diffrence between one rich guy or another or in this case a rich woman.
It's just the same old crap, a goverment of the rich for the rich. Candidates who care more about their political future than the future of the people who elected them.
We need a candidate who is not a puppet of special intrest, some one who does the right thing, because it is the right thing to do, regardles of the political consequences.
Big business has to much influence in washington and the middle class keeps getting the short end of the stick, because most polliticians are willing to sell their souls to maintain their positon and power.
Corruption and or ineptitud seem to be the order of the day in washington, and Since Hilary has been in washington for such a long time its hard for some people to her as an agent of change.

The only chance you have to win is to show that you really mean change,a political revolution, to fight against special intrest like the sugar industry, and many other big business that get goverment funds when there is people starving in our streets.
You may not win this election but you wil truly show that you are willing to sacrifice it all for the benifit of the people.
In the long term gaining true political credibility with the unsatisfied masses who will only keep getting louder in their search for true change.

You may win you may loose but you will have done the right thing, and in the process distance your self from the talking heads of american politics, and you may become something we havent had in along time (in my opinion since RFK) a true lider a person of vision and hope.

History and providence will be the judge
of all our actions, how will you be remembered?