Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This year is over

another year is gone and I feel as if my life is slowly slipping away, I keep turning my wheels but I feel as if nothing is changing except time as it slowly slips thru my fingers, I am starting to feel old even as I hang on to my perpetual immaturity, I feel the disconnect to this new world slowly growing as old age creeps in. I cant connect to today's technology or to be honest I don't want to connect, I hate text messaging, face book, my space and online billing of any type , detest automated phone one for this press 2 for this ...I hate that not only does it create unemployment but it pisses people off specially me.

but in general I feel my tolerance for others is slowly fading as I get older, I guess I am becoming a cranky old man

slowly but surely becoming like my parents and their parents ages ago.. destined to repeat the cycle that has been lived in this earth for millions of years