Saturday, December 12, 2009

Enough With Tiger

So Tiger Woods has been unfaithful to his wife!
So what, why is this news?
After all He is not the first or last man to do so.
Life goes on somewhat painfully and awkwardly but it goes on.
What I cant understand is how everyone stands up on their soapbox and starts judging, gossiping prodding.
What ever happened to privacy,respect or even decency.
If he cheated or he did not cheat why is it any of your business,
why do advertiser pull their adds and support?
Would you really cancel your cellphone because Tiger Woods advertises it, Or will it really affect your decision to buy a Cadillac because they sponsor him?
I don't think so..
On top of that I bet you that half of the executives from those companies have cheated on their spouses.
and most of the men buying their crap Have cheated will cheat or wish they had cheated at some point.
And even if they don't what gives you the right to judge.
Why such hysteria, why are we such hypocrites with such puritan nonsense.
We are a country that leads the world in pornography, drug use, and just plain insanity and now we all sit around looking so proper judging a man for his flaws.
I find the whole thing just insane.
Are there no other news, is there nothing going on with the government, would it be to much to find out what is really going on in Afghanistan, lets do some reporting on our schools, our crumbling infrastructure, or lets shine the light of the press on injustice, corruption and evil where ever it may hide.
o wait these stories will never see the light of day.
Instead will be bombarded with gossip about completely useless crap. you will know how many woman tiger slept with, how John and Kate are doing, which underwear Paris Hilton has this week. we will know every little sordid detail about our new national heroes celebrities.

but when it comes to real issues that truly in matter in the world we will have no clue. We are becoming a country of airheads full of crap and no substance.

Why not stop such hysteria and focus on what is really important.
So next time you see the so called news, why don't you take a stand. Stop being part of the problem and switch the channel.

Monday, December 7, 2009



Te queria escribir un bello y eloquente poema, para explicarte lo que siento por ti. Pero entre mas y mas pienso en ti... me doy cuenta que simple palabras no pueden explicar la magnitud de lo que tu me haces sentir...
Solo se que Te amo desde lo mas profundo de mi ser.
Que con solo escuchar tu voz siento que el tiempo y el espacio se detienen.
que el mundo para de girar con cada suspiro tuyo y que cuando me das un beso el universo por fin tiene razon de ser...
Solo queria que supieras que yo se que tu eres maravillosa, que tienes el cuerpo de una diosa y la sonrisa de un angel. Pero mas importante aun es el el echo de
que nunca perdista la ternura y dulzura de una nina
que eres intelligente y sensual con un poquito de vulnerabilidad lo cual te hace totalmente irresistible....
que tu eres super especial... .
y que yo soy un afortunado por tener el placer de conocerte...
un afortunado que te ama .....

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


She is lovely, and as I think and think I cant remember when she became an integral part of my life, all I truly know is that somehow in some way, now she is the only thing that matters in my life.

When she is around I feel happiness that few have ever experienced, Shakespeare's best and happiest poems can not match the joy that she brings to my life; but when she is gone I sink to depths of despair and sadness that no Greek tragedy can equal my soul rises and falls with her every word.

I am like a kite and she is the wind that makes me fly, with every kiss with every moan, with every whisper I touch the heavens but when she is gone the wind is gone and I crash to earth with the force and brutality that only those who have fallen from great heights have experienced.

It feels strange for someone like me to all of a sudden need someone, I always controlled my emotions not the other way around,
but with her is different I feel every word, every whisper every laugh. Ella es tan tierna que me derrito a sus pies. Just her breathing alone takes me to heights of ecstasy that nothing else can match.

Every little thing she does, hits me straight in the heart,it's like she can tap straight into my brain. Me enamora cada vez mas. She reaches into my subconscious and unscrambles all my insanity and makes me feel alive loved hopeful.

Every defense I ever had, every reservation, all the little things we do in life to not get hurt all have crumbled.
I am defenseless in front of her, vulnerable and exposed. My heart is in her hands and I tremble. Yet I feel as Happy as I have ever Been.

I hate to admit it but from time to time I am afraid, afraid that I may need her more than what she needs me.
Afraid that this is all just a dream, Afraid that I am just a fool who is reaching for the stars.
A fool who can see what he always wanted but was never quite able to get there. But what I fear the most is that I am not worthy of her love, that one day I will reach to far and fall flat on my face.

but I must go on...

Once more unto the breach I tell my heart and soul, once more my friends for her love is so great that it's worht fighting for.
After all one kiss from my love is wortht risking a thousand painful falls.
So I go on armed with a thousand kisses,a million hugs a red rose and a poem I wrote.

Once more I go looking for the one I love...
after all she is lovely
Te amo...