Tuesday, July 9, 2019


Me duele tanto perderte
te digo de verdad que siento un dolor phisico en my corazon
cada vez que pienso en ti
me duele el alma cuando pienso que nunca mas escuchare tu bella sonrisa
en que todos los sueños que tenia eran solo mis sueños
Perdoname por no haber escrito en tanto tiempo.

pero es que simplemente perdi el rumbo ,

hubo un tiempo en que yo pense que lo sabia todo y en un segundo me di cuenta de que en realidad no sabia nada.

Senti como si el mundo se me iva a acabar, no podia respirar no podia ver estaba totalmente perdido.

pero cuando ya pense que era el fin que no habia un mañana ..

lo mas increible paso..

Nada absolutamente nada...

Thought for the day...

In the end life will teach you a few lessons, some will be easy and painless and some will be hard and brutally painful.

Some will be learned for a lifetime and some, even the painful ones will be forgotten and the errors will be made again.

Wish I could say I have learned my lessons, but all I learned is that I seem to be good at forgetting things.
And so I trip again on the same rock and keep falling when I should stand up, I keep making brutal mistakes but I find it hard to see how I could have done things differently.

Maybe sometimes in life a mistake is the right thing to do, even if you know the results will be catastrophic, sometimes I feel it is important to do the right thing.

No one said doing the right thing is easy,

No one said if you do the right thing everything will be OK.