Monday, December 31, 2007


Finally this tragic and painful season is over
it has been a treacherous painful ordeal
I have lost my faith, my patience and even some of my mind following this team.
I need a brake

so I head into the off season with a sincere wish to forget this wasted year and to in 8 months be able to dream again and hope this will be our year.
it wont be easy but I dream of forgetting about our dread full defense and lack luster offense.
I hope that somehow the big tuna will be able to show the injured and tattered dolphins how to swim again.

In a way I feel as if I just have been released from a long painful prison stint. I am optimistic about the future but i know that the long road ahead will be hard and difficult

but hope springs eternal and I know that after a long dark winter, spring will come again and some day soon, in the near future my beloved dolphins will rise from the ashes like a phoenix and the echoes from the past Will inspire a great future generation.....

in the mean time I will have to console my self with the memories of the greats of the past..where have you gone don Shula what ever happened to Marino..

in the end I guess I will just have to wait till next year...
so long 2007 fins R.I.P

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